Lost in Transition

Life seems harsh when trying to get rid of the ghosts from the past and the present seems distantly familiar. Worst of all the only companion who stands by your side during this difficult phase feels the exactly same way about life. Now the million dollar question is will life ever return back to normal? I read somewhere that a caterpillar's transition to a butterfly is initiated by a process wherein it wraps itself in a hard cocoon and tries to break out of it using its developing wings. It is said that more the force applied by the caterpillar, the stronger the wings grow. It is a very painful process and it somebody tries to relieve the caterpillar out of its misery by cutting the cocoon, its wings are rendered useless as they lack the strength to support the butterfly's weight. But what if the caterpillar is too weak and succumbs to the pain and fatigue of breaking the cocoon?


  1. Who could understand it more than me.But I know life will not be this way ever.After all pains and sacrifice even butterflies fly high.Same way one day we will live high.All your dreams would come true and we would live life to its fullest


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