
They dont ask a question, they dont need an explanation,
They are our driving force, they always keep us in action.

They accept us the way we are, never ask us to change,
They fill our lives with colors of varied range.

Ask them for anything, somehow they'll manage, they never say no,
Do something wrong, without hurting you they'll try to let you know.

No matter how much in pain they are, one glance of ours make them smile,
They are ready to walk the wildest road with us, every inch of its mile.

They give us the power to get over difficult things,
They take us to unachievable heights, they are our wings.

So today we gather to celebrate the same spirit with them,
Just a small tribute, nothing compared to what they have done.

Lets take this forum to let them know, that no matter what, they come first,
For they are the only elixir available to us in this world that can quench all our thirst.


  1. This is just too good....m at loss of words to comment, but your choice and layout of words is beautifully. Being a member of the same family, I am proud of you.


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