Uncomfortable Silence

Couldn't control it for it was really making me mad
But i guess that was better than now seeing you so sad
Until that time i didnt realize it may offend you in some way,
Your silence is killing me now, there's something you really got to say
'Yes, me too' were the words that i really sought,
Now its just got to something from you, doesn't even matter what
For the first time i listened to my heart, let it take over my brain,
I think that is the reason i let myself do something so insane.
Spoiled something so special that was there between us,
Now I dont know how to gain back even one-tenth of that trust.
I dont know what was it that had me profess
I know you'll not be convinced but still i'll confess.
Even if I had the power to revert the sands of time,
I would have again tried something that stupid to make your heart mine.
And sometimes you really piss me off i wanna say you 'Go to hell'
But after saying that i know i will never be well.
All of this confuses me and i dont know why i love you so much,
But something i am really clear about is that everything will be alright with just your one touch.


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