that day i was in love with you

the day i caught you chatting with q number of guys and i said 'carry on...i do not want to disturb you'
the day you sat beside me in the bus and enquired about my research paper
the day you came with me to return the flower basket in the burning sun
the day when you sat beside me on the ride and i said that this will take us to the top and then will have a free fall and you started shouting nahi, nahi, roko roko
the day you ironed my kurta and returned it with a pretence of a dhobin calling me saabjee
the day you said to me 'friendship mein sab kucch chalta hai'
the day i wrote a silly poem on you and you got really angry and said 'i don't care about what peop;e think about me'
the day you said 'saare ladke aissa hi sochte hai kya' when i said 'ghar ki murgi daal barabar'
the day i asked you to eat fast while having lunch together and you got angry and said 'nobody asked you to stay'
the day you pretended to be still angry on me and said that you dont wanna stand beside me in a photograph
the day I came and stood infront of you and you got very angry and said 'Excuse me I was standing infront of you'
the day you called me to come for dance practice
the day you called me to help you with a software setup
the day i told you 'Everyone can learn software programming' and the day you used those exact words again on me
the day you mocked me saying 'Money, money, money!'
the day we talked about the things that need to be studied
the day you took hot chocolate giving no heeds to my warning saying 'i am sweet and i like sweet' and then regreted it
the day i tasted your moccachino and asked how do you always order such crap beverages
the day you poked me from behind while travelling in an autorickshaw and asked me to get the hell out of it
the day i suggested you to name your kids gumnaam and gumnammi
the day i ate a big chunk of your budhiya ka baal and you got angry on me
the day you fought with this auto rickshaw waala for letting three more girls sit on the back seat
the day i decided to change your name
the day i talked to you a lot about movies
the days i scared the hell out of you
the day you said me 'tumhe toh utha kar patak dena chaiye'
the day i smashed cake on your face
the day you asked me if i found someone
the day i saw something in your eyes while i was talking to your friend
the day i got you a sweet that you liked a lot
the day you asked me why did i send you that message
the day i told you 'gori teri aankhein kahe ki raat bhar soyi nahi' because of which you fought with someone and that someone fought with me meaning you
indirectly fought with me again the day i realized you did not believe much in friendship and tried to cheer you up with a poem i said i wrote for you (which wasn't true) for i knew you felt the same way
the day i irritated you about karva chauth fast while you had a fast for shivratri
the day i almost made you felt you forgotten about a complete day of your life with the help of two t-shirts
the day you got tendulkar out and made the weather change with your kaali jubaan
the day i called you to show you the beauty of moon
the day you opened the link i posted and got scared
the day i talked about Black Swan and you got scared
the day i wished you valentine's day and asked for my presents
the day i told you about the things i remember about you (there were a number of more things but i did not want to freak you out)
the day we talked about the big bang theory
the day you said me 'hum itne bure bhi nahi hai'
the day i told you that life is bigger than any problem
the day i forced you to have dinner with me
the day you gave me a promise as my birthday gift
the day you called me before going home for no reason
the day i send you a mail telling you everything about myself (something i had never shared with anyone)
the day i called you to enquire about it
and finally the day i decided to tell you all of this but you decided not to pick my call and get angry on me
those days and all the days till today


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