many many happy returns of the day princess

writing something for you to refer
whenever you feel life's making you suffer
these simple lines, for your life they'll suffice
believe in them and do keep checking your premise

life is suppose to be a tree, laden with joy
only if you yourself sow the seeds, everything else will be a decoy

believe it or not, those days are gone
when kingship was not earned, with it they were born

to learn something new, no age will be soon
you got to shine, even if you are a new moon

excel in science, in arts and in sports
but don't be just an assortment of sorts

knowledge will be your best friend, always keep it handy
not the things they say that makes you look trendy

if ever want to design buildings, get your hands dirty with mortars and brick
you need to learn and practice the fundamentals, there's no other trick

no harm being a mechanic for sometime, if someday you wanna design a great car
electrical engineers who never worked as an electrician, never go too far

consider cooking as an art and learn it as soon as you can
food wiil always be essential for life, you can't always depend on the food delivery van

choose your virtues, choose your guilt
your house of happiness, by others don't let it get built

don't try avoiding the truth, you will never win
it's true what they say about lying, it's truly a sin

not because someone said so or its written somewhere
you can run away from a lie or a mistake, that place ain't there

if come a day, to someone about something you have to lie
choose what you value more, the person or the thing, to the lesser you should say goodbye

don't let anything to be more valuable than your life
except your loved ones and the person of whom one day you'll be a wife

but don't hesitate even to let the value of your loved ones fall
if they choose to stop valuing the most valuable of all

categorize people in categories two
remember bad are more, good very few

love people for a reason, don't let the reason be just love
abilities and achievements should guide you with this, ain't no quality above

fall in love with someone, even in color he's black
if he's filled with virtues, vices is what he lack

love is sweet only when taken light
don't let it become an obstacle, in your future bright

not to worry about those people who call themselves in need
with enough strength by themselves, to live and to feed

rationing, reservation and rights will go out of fashion
life will be only as big, as much as your passion

live life to fullest, make big leaps
sometime you'll fall, don't be ashamed to weep

don't be scared even if you stumble in your stride
you'll always find me smiling, standing by your side


  1. Beautiful advice, dear friend!
    Didnt get the part where you say, "fall in love with someone, even if he's a black"!


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